Success story: How Arcs Health Transformed Covenant Clinics

5 min read
· Posted on
May 27, 2024
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How Arcs Health Transformed Covenant Clinics

On November 9, 2023, Arcs Health acquired Covenant Clinics, a well-known and respected urgent and primary care clinic in Las Cruces, New Mexico. This acquisition has brought about significant positive changes, enhancing both patient and staff experiences. Here's how Arcs Health has made a substantial impact:

Empowering the Former Owner

The previous owner of Covenant Clinics, who used to work five 12-hour shifts per week, now enjoys working only one day a week. This transition allows him to focus on expanding his primary care services, a passion he previously had no time to pursue. With Arcs Health managing day-to-day operations, he maintains a strong connection with his patients and clinic while having more time to enjoy other aspects of his life and solidify his legacy.

Upgraded Technology for Efficiency

Arcs Health has modernized the clinic's infrastructure by upgrading computers and monitors for the front desk, medical assistants (MAs), and clinicians. These enhancements streamline operations, reducing downtime and increasing productivity

Online and Paperless Check-In Solutions

One of the most impactful changes is the addition of online check-in solutions and paperless check-in kiosks. These innovations have dramatically reduced patient intake times and minimized manual input errors that often lead to billing denials and delays. As a result, the front desk staff now have more time to accurately verify patient benefits and engage with patients, making them feel welcomed and valued.

Enhanced Patient Education and Feedback

All exam rooms are now equipped with 32-inch screens that display patient education materials and QR codes for feedback surveys and mental health questionnaires. Additionally, Arcs Health sends out survey links to all discharged patients, collecting valuable feedback on their visit. The survey scores are incorporated into employee performance evaluations, ensuring a continuous focus on quality improvement.

Reducing Clinician Documentation Burden

Arcs Health's Claraly AI services have significantly reduced the documentation burden on clinicians. By providing a keyboard-free way to complete charts through dictation, clinicians can now close their charts within 48 hours, allowing them to focus more on patient care.

Implementing Evidence-Based Practices

Arcs Health has also introduced the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) practice. This evidence-based approach is used to identify, reduce, and prevent problematic use, abuse, and dependence on alcohol and illicit drugs, further enhancing the clinic's comprehensive care services.


Through these strategic improvements, Arcs Health has not only elevated the operational efficiency of Covenant Clinics but also enriched the overall patient experience. This partnership exemplifies how innovative solutions and dedicated support can lead to lasting positive changes in healthcare delivery.

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Success story: How Arcs Health Transformed Covenant Clinics

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